Crafted by expert pet nutritionists with 100% FRESH turkey, salmon & duck
and 20+ nutrient-rich supefoods, this delicious grain free recipe for senior dogs helps maintain
hip, joint & heart health,
with moderate protein & fat to help support a healthy weight in their golden years. With a lower fat content,
this recipe is also great ideal for dogs of all ages that need to manage their weight.
Recommended for:
Available sizes: 5.4kg and 10kg bag sizes
Fresh Poultry & Fish
Made with fresh de-boned turkey, salmon & duck for maximum flavour and nutritional quality.
Whole Eggs
A complete protein with all the essential amino acids dogs need in optimal amounts.
New Zealand Green Mussel
A source of chondroitin which supports hip & joint health, and healthy mobility.
Nutrient-rich veggies & fruits to support immune function & good digestion.
Joey has only been on the NOW Fresh Adult cat food for a few short weeks, but the difference it has made is awesome. He seems happy, alert and healthy – but he only comes home for dinner and then he’s back out on his next adventure!
Michael, Auckland...